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  1. Posted 15/10/2020, 02:21
    Lets suppose you wanted to sell plastic welder Computers and Computer Accessories via eBay.

    You would find a wholesaler who stocked these kind of products, buy at a discount and sell them on eBay at a profit.

    Would you still have to stock the Computers and Accessories?

    Possibly, but not if you find a wholesaler who also dropships.

    Dropshippers are usually wholesalers that will deliver their products to your customer, so in this example you contact your wholesaler/dropshipper to find out what rage of computers and accessories they hold, advertise your choice of product via eBay and when it sells ask them to post it to the winning bidder/buyer.

    You don't even have to pay for the product until you have sold it!

    Great. No start up capital.

    This is exactly what I do and it works extremely well.

    Of course, Computers are just one example of what you might sell on eBay.

    There are Wholesaler/Dropshippers stocking just about anything you can think of.

    So can you really make a good living from eBay?

    You bet your Little Cotton Socks you can.

    There are people making a fortune on eBay.

    Maybe by selling Little Cotton Socks :-)

    I generate a very good full-time income, working about 10 to 12 hours per week on eBay, selling among other things New and Used Computers and yes you've guessed it, I don't stock, pack or deliver them and I don't pay for them until I have been paid.

    It's not difficult to set yourself up as a seller on eBay, there's heaps of help on eBay tself.

    Just click on help in the top right hand corner of any eBay page to get all the assistance you need.

    I can remember when ... first came on the ... before that, I remember ... with the machine that used ... spirits and when you came out from a session of copying, you were

    I can remember when photocopiers first came on the market.

    But before that, I remember struggling with the machine that

    used methylated spirits and when you came out from a session

    of copying, you were invariably covered from head to toe in purple

    ink.This was from the carbon that backed the master sheet that

    was used for copying. The one advantage of this machine was

    that I loved the smell of the methylated spirits.

    Now to get the master copy, one had to use a typewriter.

    Then there was the big Gestetner machines that used black

    ink. What a mess!

    But with all that aside, the power of those machines was found

    in the fact, that from one original piece, one could get thousands

    upon thousands of copies.

    The power was in the DUPLICATION.


    I've discovered that that very same principle of DUPLICATION

    can be readily applied to our daily lives. But the first thing that

    we must discover is the RIGHT ORIGINAL.

    In the business arena, I have to admit that I have hopped on to a

    number of, what I would call, GREAT OPPORTUNITIES. Most

    of them have landed me flat on my face and have left me with a

    thinner wallet. But that's okay, as long as you learn from the

    experience. It wasn't that all the opportunities were bad. It was

    simply that in most cases, they weren't fashioned correctly to

    utilise my personal strengths, or I really didn't have a passion to

    pursue them.

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